domingo, 31 de março de 2013

Jovem de 17 anos ganha €76.500 com investigação de algas geradoras de biocombustível

O objectivo a longo prazo de Sara Volz, segundo a própria, é entender o universo. Mas no curto prazo, a jovem de 17 anos a viver no Colorado, Estados Unidos, está a trabalhar no desenvolvimento de algas que criem biocombustíveis de forma mais eficiente.


Electric Bus Picks up Passengers ... and Energy

"Tom Lombardo posted on March 18, 2013

Many years ago I bought a rechargeable battery-operated toothbrush with its own charging cradle. I noticed that there were no electrodes on the toothbrush or the cradle, and for a moment I wondered how it charged through the plastic. In a flash of inductive reasoning (sorry - I couldn't resist) I realized that the charging cradle and the toothbrush must be magnetically coupled. (This was long before iPhone charging pads.)


Soccket: Amazing Energy-Generating Soccer Ball Launches on Kickstarter!

Retirado do site StumbleUpon:

"By Lidija Grozdanic, 03/02/13

The kinetic energy-generating Soccket soccer ball produces power from play - and it's set to bring energy to off-grid locations around the world! After a year of building prototypes and conducting pilot programs, Uncharted Play just launched the energy-harnessing soccer ball with a fresh new design and a Kickstarter campaign. Developed by a group of Harvard alumni, the Soccket ball can generate three hours of electrical power from just 30 minutes of soccer play, and it offers an eco-friendly alternative to unsafe and unreliable energy sources often used in poor communities around the world.

quarta-feira, 27 de março de 2013

Four african teens create pee-powered energy generator

Retirado do site Inhabitat:

"Four Nigerian teen girls have wowed visitors to Maker Faire Africa by creating a generator that is powered with pee. Using a resource that everyone has, the girls developed a generator that produces six hour of power for one liter of urine. At only 14 and 15 years old, the students are an inspiration for renewable energy developers everywhere and one can only imagine how useful a pee-powered energy generator would be in natural disasters or emergency situations.

Duro-Aina Adebola, Akindele Abiola, Faleke Oluwatoyin and Bello Eniola aren’t even college grads — the young inventors barely in their teens! Growing up in a region with little natural resources, the girls were inspired to take on the challenge of creating an alternative energy system that could be further developed to solve energy solutions in their community.

Um contentor de reciclagem movido a energia solar

Reciclar em Nova Iorque é agora mais fácil, graças à maior iniciativa de sempre de reciclagem no espaço público da cidade. O mayor Bloomberg juntou-se à Times Square Alliance, à BigBelly Solar e à Alcoa Foundation para anunciar na sexta-feira passada a chegada de um programa piloto em Times Square que conta com 30 novos contentores BigBelly movidos a energia solar.

Bottle Charger Turns a Plastic Bottle into an Off-Grid Cell Phone Charger

O Bottle Charger (site do projeto) é uma ideia bastante criativa desenvolvida no Quénia em que se procura carregar um telemóvel apenas utilizando uma garrafa, água a ferver e uma mini-turbina de 5 Watts. Este projeto contou com divulgação na imprensa internacional (link1, link2, link3) e na imprensa nacional (link1, link2).

Retirado do site Inhabitat:

"A group of designers in Nairobi, Kenya have created a way to charge your cell phone with green energy while recycling a plastic bottle! The Bottle Charger transforms any used plastic soda or water bottle into a 5 watt charger capable of powering a smart phone. Simply add boiling water and the miniature Blackbeard Unidirectional Constant Turbine (B.U.C.T.) creates electricity with the rise and fall of temperature, charging your phone while creating a mini science lab right on your kitchen counter.

sábado, 23 de março de 2013

U.S. Nuclear Industry Withers as Wind Hurts Prices

"By Julie Johnsson and Naureen S. Malik on March 11, 2013 Exelon Corp

A glut of government-subsidized wind power may help accomplish a goal some environmentalists have sought for decades: kill off U.S. nuclear power plants while reducing reliance on electricity from burning coal. That’s the assessment of executives and utility experts after the U.S. wind-energy industry went on a $25 billion growth binge in 2012, racing to qualify for a federal tax credit that was set to expire at year’s end.

Nuclear Industry Withers in U.S. as Wind Pummels Prices

Wind-generated electricity supplied about 3.4% of U.S. demand in 2012 and the share is projected to jump to 4.2% in 2014, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Photographer: Konrad Fiedler/Bloomberg

Increasing Biogas in Germany

"March 19, 2013 by Redazione

Italy'd better to do the same

by Mara Martini

Germany, that's among the "number ones" in Europe in developing alternative energies and applied technologies, is now focusing its interest on biogas, which it looks in optimistic way at as the most effective green source in order to reduce the CO2 emissions. (Remind the Union has fixed the 20% level by 2020). Among all biomass energy sources, the biogas – coming out from the anaerobic digestion of trash – is infact the most useful one, and the most respectful towards the environment. Turning part of the fields that compose the widest Germanic plain into plant for biogas would permit to obtain: new clean energies, the thermal one (by means of the combustion in boiler) and electric one (through  cogeneration groups); and more, the Digestate – another “output” of digesters, which represents a very good organic phertylizer for cultivated fields. For completing this virtuous circle, the plant could then be fueled by the energy produced by biogas itself. Other very advantageous externalities deriving from biogas plants could be: creation of new jobs and  revaluation of farmers' estates.

Franceses colocam eco torres auto-sustentáveis em Shenzhen, China

"A empresa francesa Vincent Callebaut Architects projectou um sistema de empreendimentos verticais sustentáveis para a megacidade de Shenzhen, na China. Visualmente, o projecto inspira-se numa ideia simples e até algo infantil: um pilha de pedras das que marcam um trilho, como nas histórias. As seis torres vão oferecer aos seus inquilinos zonas de habitação, escritórios, espaços de lazer, lojas e hortas.

O projecto chama-se Shenzen Asian Cairn Farmscraper. Trata-se de um conjunto de eco torres com fontes integradas de energia renovável, agricultura sustentável e recuperação da água das chuvas – tudo em harmonia para proporcionar uma vida saudável no meio de um ambiente urbano, denso e de rápido crescimento.

terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013

New report: U.S. Solar market grew 76% in 2012

The solar industry in the US added a record 3.3 GW of Capacity last year...

The report, Solar Market Insight: Year-in-Review 2012, jointly published by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), found that solar was the fastest growing energy source in the U.S., with 3,313 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaics (PV) installed in 2012.

Even with the cost of solar falling for consumers, the market size of the U.S. solar industry grew 34 percent from $8.6 billion in 2011 to $11.5 billion in 2012. As of the end of 2012, there were 7,221 MW of PV and 546 MW of concentrating solar power (CSP) online in the U.S.

Wattmove: a luta de uma microempresa de Aveiro para tornar a economia verde lucrativa

A economia verde “não é lucrativa, em Portugal, e ainda há muito a fazer” para que seja. Apesar da afirmação não augurar nada de bom para as empresas que actuam na área do desenvolvimento sustentável, mobilidade e energias renováveis, a frase pertence a uma empresária do sector, Cristina Montez.

Em 2008, Cristina e um sócio, Rui Fonte, lançaram a Wattmove, uma empresa com sede em Aveiro e especialista em mobilidade sustentável e eficiência energética. “O lema da empresa é a sustentabilidade. Pretendemos crescer de forma sustentável e promovendo serviços que promovam, cada vez mais, a qualidade de vida urbana”, explicou Cristina ao Green Savers.

Altaeros Energies' Floating Wind Turbines Tap Into Strong High Altitude Winds

Retirado do site Inhabitat:

"In an effort to harness strong high-altitude winds, the company Altaeros Energies has developed a floating wind turbine that’s a cross between a traditional windmill and a blimp. After some successful tests, the Altaeros team is confident that this new levitating wind turbine will be a viable clean energy option for remote villages and military sites.

domingo, 3 de março de 2013

Epiphany One Puck uses heat transfer to charge your phone

Retirado do site Kickstarter e falado na imprensa nacional (GreenSavers):

"The Epiphany onE Puck is tiny, lightweight and portable. It can be used in all types of settings when that last battery bar dreadfully disappears…

Say you are out for a night at the bar and your phone battery dies. Rather than awkwardly moving to a corner to plug in your charger, or leaving altogether, you can pull out the Epiphany onE Puck, power it up with that cold beer you’re holding, and charge away!